The Journey of Sexual Purity
For a couple of weeks now, I have been feeling very strongly in my Spirit to pen something down on sexual purity.
Posts like this makes it seem like the writer has everything together which is not necessarily true. I will say though that I am grateful for the journey thus far.
This blog post highlights a couple of key points that have helped me in my journey and that I trust will to aid your journey too.
Your 'Why'
Living a life of sexual purity is absolutely difficult if not impossible if your why is non existent or questionable.
Alot of us just know that certain things are frowned at in the Faith and want to follow suit to maintain an image but we have no real conviction and so we fall.
Take time out to ask yourself why you chose to abstain till marriage
Is it because people are doing it? What if you realize that people aren't actually doing it?
Is it because this is what men what? What happens when you realize the opposite?
Is it because you want to be praised or celebrated?
We do alot of things for the wrong motives and that might affect how well we live up to our ideals.
Having a strong and healthy why behind whatever you're doing makes the process alot smoother.
People often ask me why I know for certain that I can't do certain things, here's a free answer; it's because I know why I'm not doing it and it restrains me.
I have met people who genuinely believe the notion of kissing being wrong but still do it anyway. This is a discussion I'm not going to dive into for now. Send a direct message for a copy of an article I wrote on the subject.
The point is that we should all examine our whys and see if these motives or the absence of it is the reason we struggle sometimes with sexual purity.
This introspection does not just include why you want to be sexually pure but also why you want to be in a relationship generally.
Why you want boundaries, up to the seemingly insignificant question on why you think you cannot do without dating body builders. Click here to read a post on similar questions to ask yourself before getting into a relationship.
So dear believer, why are you for sexual purity?
Do your actions and inactions highlight or negate your desire for sexual purity?
Let's talk about deliberately putting ourselves in situations where we are tested.
To aid your journey, there are places you should not go, movies you should not watch, books you should not read, etc.
No boundary is too big to protect your purity.
The idea most of us have in our heads on our impeccable track record of self control alot of times hinders our journey of sexual purity
I think it wise to not be too trusting with ourselves and not to give even a tiny bit of space for the devil to act.
Avoid tempting situations and do not think too highly of your ability to resist sexual temptation.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you..
This goes without saying but it still needs to be repeated anyway
"Bad company corrupts good morals"
Don't keep hanging around people whose belief systems are fundamentally different from yours.
Most importantly, don't be found dating an unbeliever
"do not be unequally yoked"
You need to know that when you're with a person who continually shows you that he/she doesn't care about honouring God with our bodies, then you're unequally yoked.
He may be the Pastor's right hand man or she may reads 5 Christian literatures per week.
I promise that the man/woman God has for you will be intentional about protecting your sexual purity and you shouldn't have it any other way.
This post is not to in anyway suggest that the journey is smooth but I know that God's Grace is sufficient.
I hope the post helps your journey.
Keep loving God and keep doing good.
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