The psychological effect of the ongoing strike on a Nigerian Student by OLUWATOSIN AKINNUOYE


Paul the apostle wrote letters of encouragement to the body of Christ. However, this piece may not totally be an article of encouragement to the students and whoever this reaches to, you may rather tag it ‘a note on how I feel’. 

In the past 5 months and even today, I'm depressed but I realized that many young persons in Nigeria feel this same way, especially university students. 
When the ongoing strike was announced some months back, I felt bad, but hopeful as it was tagged "warning strike", I saw it as a luxury opportunity to explore details on my research work.

I keep wanting to avoid social media, considering how almost every update on my timeline, starting with Facebook all reads of my junior class Mates back at Secondary School who are signing out from their undergraduate level, signing into NYSC (“answering the Clarion call”), others having their Passing Out Parades etc. Let's not even mention how far my mates have gone.

Fast forward to today;

I’m at the peak of my research project and it’s tired of waiting…

Nigeria's educational system is disappointing, to say the least. It continues to tamper with our plans for the future. Educational attainment can no longer be rated as a hope for the future of any young person. The good old teaching that ‘Children are the leaders of tomorrow’ is gradually loosing meaning, while some totally considers it a fallacy.  

Regardless, the situation has taught me a couple of things:

1. You can always Lead
Positional leadership is not the only way to lead, you can lead in any industry you occupy, including skills acquired, religious groups, agriculture, etc. With the rate of economic underdevelopment in Nigeria, farming is lucrative to engage in as a youth. Jacob, Esau, Abraham etc. were rich farmers in the bible days. Many wealthy people in today's society engage in farming as their major source of income, others as a supplementary source of income.

You can also lead in your marriage; Ruth and Esther broke records even as married women. There are so many places we can lead in, some people lead in war fronts, others lead government and politicians even as we have in present day, some lead academically. In the Bible people led differently, but Jesus led them all, he is master of all things. It is he that maketh rich and addeth no sorrow.

2. God's word will come to pass
I understand that the present day challenges, both societal or personal might shake your conviction at times and cause you to doubt the God’s word. It may not even look like God's promises are upon your life, but these are part of the contradictions of life. 
Know this, it is only God that can bring a prophecy to past and this to me, is good news. Your role is obedience and alliance with the will of God, holding on to your prophetic word until it happens because God's word never falls to the ground.

To illustrate further, while growing up as a child, there were times I wished I could see my father's heart to know his plans for me. Would he get me those shoes I asked for or will he get a better one? Sometimes, I got anxious and worried that he may have concluded at heart not to get me those things because of my misbehavior. His silence or delay alot of times added to my worry but the same silence usually resulted lovely surprises. How I love him.

Overtime, I learnt to totally trust my father's silence. He never attended to my needs considering my sins and that also taught me a great lesson on forgiveness. 

The same thing happens in my relationship with Abba, I want to peep into God's heart so I can know his thoughts and plans towards me, ask him why his promises for my life is delaying.
I understand that if I can trust my earthly father and God loves me even more than he does, then I can trust that God has even better plans.
3. Give thanks
ASUU strike has produced traumatized university students than it has brought lasting solution to Nigeria’s educational system. Notwithstanding, give thanks.
This might be easier said than done but considering the below may be helpful :

* God is trustworthy: Almost everyone gets depressed after realizing that their juniors and mates have really gone ahead of them in life. Remember God is trustworthy and even more reliable than our earthly parents.

* Death: It’s sad that we get depressed when we’re not as successful as others but we never compare ourselves to the dead. It’s important to be reminded that some less successful persons than you, junior classmates and mates have died with their visions and were buried with their dreams.

 * Ungratefulness: I realized that my state of depression was ungratefulness on my part. 1 chronicle 16:34 Give thanks to the lord, he is good and his steadfast love is forever.
Lastly, I laughed hard when I recalled on the draft I made of my life back at Secondary School but most times when I remember, I conceived opinions that schooling in a Nigerian public university is really unfortunate.

 According to that draft, at age 21 I’m supposed to be working with a law firm or the CBN. But after jamb played its cause on me, following was delayed admission into the university. This is a challenge an average Nigerian jambite is usually faced with. I was finally offered an admission, but I wasn’t offered at my dream school nor my dream course. The whole situation had effects on me which is a story for another day.
Finally, I later on realized that the course you study in Nigeria and the world at large doesn’t always matter, it’s not a determinant of success, the likes of Eno Sam (President, BEWA Africa), Former Nigerian President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan who studied Botany and many others proves this point.
To cut a long story short, I am a final year student in Sociology at the Federal University of Lafia, Nasarawa State, ASUU is playing its own cause as it has played severally and like many others I’m already getting old in the university.
In conclusion, someone feels exactly how you feel but just because you didn’t graduate at a certain age doesn’t mean God is not good.
I recommend that in the upcoming 2023 election, every Nigerian youth should fight political apathy and exercise their franchise while strictly looking out for a leader who attaches utmost value to the educational system.

 Parents should also consider this in choosing whom they would vote as a president so as to save their children from these cankerworms of time in educational attainment.

I am Oluwatosin, a full expression of everything beautiful God made.. 



  1. I can see you speak my mind entirely...

    This was exactly my point to my twin this evening. Saw some comments on Twitter and students were sad about the strike as they said it is taking a toll on them.

    The same goes for me too, I'm not happy at all, but we thank God in all.
    Thank you ma'am for this, got a lot.

    We must all fight Political Apathy!!!

  2. Exactly how I felt, regardless of the fact that I have been doing nothing since the ongoing strike.
    But in all, I thank God.the Bible made me to understand that when there is life there is Hope..

  3. This is good, it's short but inspiring and hope-giving. Truly Asuu has dealt with our mental and psychological health, many have lost while others are on the process. But our words there are a pillar and hope that God would still makes things right in his own (appropriate) time

  4. True feeling and hopefully they'll soon end the strike thanks for the write up

  5. You are a profound writer.. hope this help the students at this difficult time...

  6. Nice write-up
    Keep it up dear

  7. It is what it is really, however most of the points you highlighted in this piece will help a lot hold on positively

  8. Very insightful article. U re a profound writer keep it up!!!

  9. This is absolutely beautiful to read. You have penned down the dilemma of every Nigerian student that is currently held back by ASUU.

    It's sad and it gets depressing seeing your mates or juniors going ahead of you because of a situation you have no control over. Regardless, we would keep our faith in God to work all things beautiful in his own time.

    Thanks for the encouragement, Tosin.

  10. Thanks for this piece...

  11. 💗💗💗😭

  12. U have done extremely well I must confess to it

  13. Nice work, every word inspires me thanks.

  14. Thank you Tosin for penning down your thought on this, indeed it's going to be helpful and also, you said almost my mind.
    Now, aside from the psychological effects it has also led a lot of students to engage in criminal activities as a result of the bad state of the Nigeria economy where some do not have money to enroll in skill acquisition, no capital to start up a small scale business or get a manageable job.😞😞😭
    My Ernest prayer and wish is that this prolonged strike comes to an end.

  15. A powerful and helpful piece. Not just highlighting the effects of the stroke but giving concise ways of overcoming those challenges

  16. Brilliant piece of work Tosin. It's even more impressive that you have guided your thought process so well all this time on strike. I kinda feel what other consequences students are exposed to as a result of this situation.

    It's a very powerful thing you have done, to have taking up the opportunity to share your feelings as much as you have done. A lot of persons must connected to you on this one and is so beautiful and lifting.

    Even though I do hope things get better, I also want to see more students take advantage of the situation and engage themselves in creative means while also supporting ASUU to bring them better university experience.

    Nice work there Tosin

  17. You have really spoke the minds of many of us
    We never knew this strike was going to be like,we all thought it's a warming strike like the said
    But to our shock,days ran into weeks and weeks into months and here we are today
    Nobody knows our fate expect God
    But one thing is for sure
    God will Always come through for us
    We hope for a better tomorrow and we pray for lasting solution so that our next generation can school In this country in peace
    It's so annoying that my mate that entered school while he was still at home is now almost done with school cos he schools outside and he will never stop mocking me
    Telling me that Nigerian Universities are scam
    But all we still thank God bcoz being alive and hoping to resume when ever they decide to is actually a huge blessing bcoz we aren't better than some of our mates who have gone while waiting for the strike to be called off
    I believe in God and we hope for a better educational system in our dear nation Nigeria

  18. Wow! Wonderful Piece of work Tosin. You really did put in a very good work.

  19. Dearly beloved, you have said well... May God help us all


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