Dreams!! Plans!! Two sides of a coin

... taking action steps towards the life you desire.
We all have amazing dreams and visions on where we want to be and what we want to be doing in the future. It's beautiful to think about, it's beautiful to dream about. Having and writing down these extraordinary goals is the first step and a very essential step towards the life we desire.

The mistake we all make sometimes is having a vision for where we want to see ourselves in a couple of years from now but no plan, road map or action to get there. 

What are you doing today that will further propel you towards your dreams and aspirations? 

It's not just about desiring to be a CEO with many employees like Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, it's what am I doing today to prepare myself for that reality?
How many leadership conferences have you attended? How much can you spare for a leadership course? What are your best reads on the subject? How intentional are you about growing your financial IQ?

What I'm saying is this; 

"Do something everyday, no matter how minute that further equips you for what you've been called to do" 

It could be as little as following a leadership expert on twitter to as big as paying 600 dollars for a leadership course.
What matters is that you're taking steps towards the life you desire and I do believe that the Lord will crown that effort with success.

What we're not doing in this tribe is letting great opportunities meet us unprepared.

That being said, allow me a part of your growth journey by creating growth plans for you that are specific to where you see yourself in the nearest or perhaps even distant future. 
Reach out to me using my contact form and we'll go on the journey together.

Until my next blog post, Stay happy ✨


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