God is Good

It's been a while since I last posted on this space courtesy of school activities which tend to take alot of my time and energy. 

Being back on break, I thought I would start writing the minute I got home but I struggled so much with getting inspired.
I still am.
The good thing is that in recent days, I feel my hands warming up to get back to what it loves and I sense my heart indicting good matters so watch this space.

I have been meditating recently on the Goodness of God. It's really so beautiful when you think about it.
The Lord led me to a scripture; Genesis 16:1-14.

This is the story of Hagar, an Egyptian woman serving Sarai and Abram.
So a background story; Sarai was without a child and was beyond devastated about the situation. She then asks her husband to sleep with Hagar so she can conceive and maybe through her slave, she could have children.
Abram didn't oppose the idea,he laid with Hagar and she conceived. Pride set in and she started looking down on her master Sarai, who complained to Abram about it. Abram told his wife to do with Hagar as she wanted. Consequently, Sarai started mistreating Hagar. The living conditions became too unbearable for Hagar that she ran away and it was in that process she encountered God. This resulted in her calling God - EL ROI; The GOD WHO SEES ME. 

I understand the awe that struck poor Hagar at time, enough for her to make that bold declaration.
Hagar; an Egyptian slave woman who was mercilessly maltreated by her master, eloping with a child in her womb to God knows where, to survive God knows how.

I just highlight that this wasn't after the redemptive work on Jesus on the cross. This wasn't a time where we could say that God lives in each believer. This wasn't a time when people had the gift of righteousness, being completely saved, accepted and forgiven. So Hagar wasn't as privileged as we are today to have God's Spirit live in us and speak to us anytime we are ready to hear his voice. It was a time when experiencing God so intimately,as a Father and a friend was rare. Instead the Lord spoke to people, even kings through his chosen messengers per season.

Imagine leaving in a time like this and of all the people in the world, the Lord takes notice of Hagar enough to grace her with his presence showing that in the midst of her tears and agony, God was with her..

I think of how much of a privilege it was for her to be seen by God. 
But what makes it great is that even now, I know that God sees me. He hasn't let his eyes of me for a second.

EL ROI; THE GOD WHO SEES is truly such an accurate name to describe who God is. 
Hagar would be just one of the many unseeming people that could testify that he is a God who sees.

There's also Paul the Apostle, formerly Saul on his way to Damascus to persecute believers, but God had different plans for him.
Is it the Tax collector, Levi that was chosen as a disciple or Rahab, a prostitute who would be a woman in the Lineage of Jesus.

I make it a point to remind myself every chance I get, through reading about Hagar and these other people that God doesn't see us because of our perfection, it is the Grace and the Goodness of God that singles us out enough to experience God as EL ROI 

He sees us with all our baggage and mistakes, he sees us when no one else does. 
He has singled you out from the multitude and gazed upon you with Love and truly that is all that matters.
That EL ROI sees you
This is the entire goodness entry for today;

God sees you
God hears you
God is with you
God is Good and his goodness constantly pursues and overtakes you..
God is Good!!! 


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