Gratitude Journal 2022

For a year that I started without much of a goal, plan or aspiration, the Lord did me well. I'm so grateful for 2022.

There are so many things to mention but I'll write specific things that God laid in my heart to write on. 

This year started with no goals for me, not one single goal. 
Well, I used to randomly pray about God helping me to start a blog.
I don't classify that as a goal though because I did nothing about it. I had no game plan to achieve it, I wasn't even planning on using my hands to start the Blog. Lol
The prayer was for the Blog to happen to me miraculously 😅 
So I had no plans or goals for 2022 but like I said earlier, God did me well. I'm so grateful for an intentional Father. 

I started this blog in the month of April.


I am very thankful for books. More than any other year, I read a significant number of books this year and learnt a great deal from them. 
I started reading on finances this year and wow, just Wow.
2023 is certainly my money year.


Very thankful for a specific set of people; my reading family. 
I'm so passionate about conversations geared towards growth. I respect the wisdom God has given each of us as humans and the contributions we can make in each other's lives, this is why I started a book club. 

I learnt alot from my wonderful reading family, I can't even begin to quantify. These people are passionate about growth and self development and they are certainly people I want in my life forever and I'm so thankful for that. 


My birthday in this year was so startling. I couldn't believe this girl was turning 22. 
P.s - My age is news to me everyday. I feel like I was twelve 2 seconds

I'm not one for resolutions but around that period, the Lord helped me make necessary decisions. I redefined alot of value systems and took actual steps towards making sure my value systems stay on course. I am still actively working on it but I'm so thankful for how far I have come and the journey ahead.


This may seem funny but I am thankful for peace of mind.
Truly, true peace only comes from God. 
So many things happened this year that was so mind agitating. 
So I truly thank God for granting me peace of mind. 


Thank God for John Maxwell. I read alot of books by this author this year and it has been a life changing experience.  

Because of one of his books, I have decided that I'm starting 2023 with a goal to make an impact in the life's of a couple of women around me. Helping them to live up to all God has called them to me. 
I'm so excited about this and I trust God to help me accomplish his plans for the people who are going to be a part of this vision.


Thankful for yet another year of not starting a podcast. This may sound funny but I'm thankful because I know everything will happen in it's season. My podcast will happen in it's season and in God's appointed time. 


Thank you; for reading my Blog posts, for coming with me on this journey
and for being my best audience

There's a whole lot more to say of God's Goodness but I couldn't possibly be able to write it all even if I were to blog on it everyday of 2023. 

I'm so thankful, so so grateful. 
I fall more in love with Jesus everyday and I want to tell someone today that if you have Jesus, you have alotttt to be thankful for. 
Happy New year

Let's do this again this next year
Love & Light


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